stevel 發表於 2018-7-21 18:33:58




chriswong 發表於 2018-7-21 20:11:19

嗯! 當然要拎埋電影卡。

萬福珠寶地址:尖沙咀金巴利道16號香檳大廈地下商場 9 號舖。 預約電話: 2367 2630。

stevel 發表於 2018-7-21 20:17:50

chriswong 發表於 2018-7-21 20:11 static/image/common/back.gif
嗯! 當然要拎埋電影卡。

萬福珠寶地址:尖沙咀金巴利道16號香檳大廈地下商場 9 號舖。 預約電話: 2367 263 ...

謝謝 Chirs :handshake

容燥兒 發表於 2018-7-23 19:25:24

you might have heard about an incident that people around the world have been following.你們最近應該聽說過全世界都很關心的一件事情
it's the news about 12 boys and their coach trapped in a flooded cave in the northen part of Thailand這個就是關於12個男孩和他們的教練被困在泰國北部一個被水包圍洞穴內的新聞when a rescue team found the boys, people of the world were so suprised how the boys stayed so calm and survived the extreme condition in the cave that break humans aparts physically and mentally當救援隊找到他們的時候,全世界的人都因為發現這些男孩竟然能在環境如此惡劣的洞穴裡面生存下來而感到驚奇因為洞穴內的環境會令人身心崩潰
one of the secrets to their survival is meditation,which the coach who was once a buddist monk asked them to do in the cave他們生還的其中一個秘密就是禪修,這正是他們哪位曾經當過佛教僧侶的教練在洞穴裡面教他們的
here and five reasons for how this was possible禪修有五個作用令這次救援獲得成功Number 1 meditation reduces the need for food,when we meditate,we reduce the need to use energy. 第一點 禪修可以降低對食物的渴求當我們進行禪修我們減少了平時需要耗費的能量when the body is still the amount of energy the body needs to consume is less當身體保持一個姿勢,需要消耗的能量也會相對減少once we observe our breath during meditation一旦我們在禪修中關注自己的呼吸we make our breath softer,smoother and longer.我們會使自己的呼吸變得更加順滑和綿長and this is how the body naturally needs less energy resulting in less metabolism and lower oxygen consumption身體自然需要更少的能量來完成新陳代謝氧氣消耗量也會降低as a result, meditators can stay alive many days with less food or in some case with no food at all因此,禪修者可以在缺少甚至沒有食物的環境生存很多天Number 2第二點meditation reduces fear禪修可以減低恐懼if we got trapped in a room with no light for days without knowing when we would be freed, would we able to let go of worry from the mind?第二點禪修可以減少恐懼如果我們被困在一個暗無天日而且不知道何時會被解救的空間就會感到害怕我們有能力驅走內心的焦慮嗎?when the amount of worry is more than the amount of hope當一定程度的憂慮掩蓋希望we humans develop fear in the mind人類的內心就會產生恐懼meditation reduces the number of thoughts and meditators can choose positive thoughts over negative ones.禪修有助于減少這種負面想法而且禪修者還可以讓正面思維壓制負面情緒those who meditate regularly will fear nothing regardless of the situation the are in那些有禪修習慣的禪修者不管什麼情況之下都不會感到恐懼Number 3
meditation reduces conflicts第三點禪修減少矛盾的產生
getting trapped in a place with so many peoplehow did the boys stay so clam?為什麼男孩們和其他人一起被困可以表現得如此鎮靜呢?it looks as if they did not have any conflict with each other at all看起來就是他們之間沒有發生過任何爭鬥well, when we meditate是的,當我們進行禪修we develop empathy and that's how we can see and understand from other people's perspectives.我們會對身處同樣困境的人升起同情心,對他人的處境身同感受Those who meditate regularly will not noly think about themselves but will develop compassion towards others那些有禪修習慣的禪修者不會只想到自己,還會培養對眾生的慈悲心that might be the secret to how all the boys survived and no one was left behind before the rescue team arrived這也許就是直到救援隊到達之前孩子們都能夠互相照顧彼此的秘密Number 4第四點meditation increases patience禪修增強內心的耐性waiting requires patience, which is always hard to find and easy to lose等待需要耐性,而這是知易行難的people get tired of waiting especially when you have to wait indefinitely人們會在漫長而且無止境的等待中失去耐心the mind that can let go helps us wait longer平常心有助于長時間的等待additionally the amount of expectation that keeps growing every minute另外隨著時間每分鐘的流逝,內心希望獲救的期待也會隨之增加we wait is going to blow our patience away漫長的等待會把耐性消磨殆盡when we meditate, we learn to let go lower our expectation and stay with the present當我們進行禪修我們會學習以平常心減低期望并活在當下and that's how patience is developed耐性就是這樣培養起來的Number 5第五點meditation increases positive energy禪修會增強正面思維的力量the buddha taught us that"the mind is everything,what you think you become."佛陀曾經教導我們“萬法唯心造”when we meditate, our mind cultivates positive energy,which by the law of attraction,will attract positive things to our life.當我們進行禪修我們的意識培育了正面能量根據吸引力法則那將會吸引正面的事物出現在我們的身邊when all boys meditate together當所有的男孩集中在一起禪修the amount of their combined positive energy could potentially attract the rescue team to finally discover them整合起來潛伏的正能量將會感召到救援隊找到并最終發現他們And this is the secret power of the mind 而這就是意識的神秘力量
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