Rondey 發表於 2019-3-28 22:28:23

鑽石手印 - 有助建立毅力 / Vajrapradana Mudra - Fosters Willpower

鑽石手印 - 有助建立毅力 / Vajrapradana Mudra - Fosters Willpower

member of give-up-halfway? Shakable & susceptible willpower? Try Vajrapradana Mudra!

■ 操作

1. 相扣所有手指 (除了拇指) 於第一指關節
interlocks all fingers ( except thums ) at first knuckle

2. 伸直兩手的拇指
extend thumbs of both hands

■ 鑽石手印的功效
Benefits of Vajrapradana Mudra

1. 強化對靈性追求的信心
increases confidence of spiritufal commitment

2. 培育謙遜之心
fosters sense of humility

3. 提升決心、自信、勇氣及堅韌力
escalates determination, self-confidence, courage & fortitude

4. 克服負面的情緒及內心的脆弱
overcomes negative emotions & mental weaknesses

■ 注意

1. 每天練習5-15分鐘
practise each day for 5-15 minutes

2. 適合任何時候練習,尤其於祈禱時
suitable to practise at any moment, particularly during prayer


發表於 1970-1-1 08:00:00

發表於 1970-1-1 08:00:00

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