linolin 發表於 2014-10-24 17:20:49


Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust (BEI-UN.TO)-呢隻貨糸收租股,以我所知响Calgary同Edmonton有好多好既地段物業!!我都曾經租過佢地D樓住,而呢兩個城市人口正在上升中,價位又比較stable!!
Canadian National Railway Co (CNR.TO)-CN系公盈大股之一,而加拿大好多運输都主要靠鐵路,木材,石油...好境唔好境都有需求.
Second Cup Ltd (SCU.TO)-呢隻而家公司內部清緊淤血,前嗰倫換左高層有人仕變動,所以個價插得低左.好嘅消息系好多starbucks嘅人才被請左入去.再多嘅有內幕野就唔方便講.

linolin 發表於 2015-2-21 16:06:30

恭喜發財!! 如果响我提及時有入貨買second cup,可現在放出25% to 30%.下一轉希望上到6 or 7$再放.祝大家赚多D做多點功德:)!!

garytam 發表於 2015-2-26 11:50:54

linolin 發表於 2015-2-21 16:06 static/image/common/back.gif
恭喜發財!! 如果响我提及時有入貨買second cup,可現在放出25% to 30%.下一轉希望上到6 or 7$再放.祝大家赚 ...

Brother, I am in Vancouver and saw your post about the canadian stocks. Looks like the Second Cup Ltd is doing very well for the past 3 months ... is it still okay to get into the market today?
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