
標題: 游魚手印 - 強化身體的柔韌性 / Matsya Mudra - Reinforces Physical ... [打印本頁]

作者: Rondey    時間: 2019-5-5 21:38
標題: 游魚手印 - 強化身體的柔韌性 / Matsya Mudra - Reinforces Physical ...
游魚手印 - 強化身體的柔韌性 / Matsya Mudra - Reinforces Physical Flexibility


Tightened joints, limited mobility? Distorted alignment of spine, weakened back? Try Matsya Mudra!

■ 操作

1. 左手背部朝天
face back of left hand upward

2. 右手掌平放於左手背上
place right palm flat against back of left hand

3. 每手的拇指們,各向兩側延伸
extend thumbs of each hand to sides

4. 每手的其餘四指,皆緊密連接及伸展
closely packed rest of four fingers of each hand

■ 游魚手印的功效
Benefits of Matsya Mudra

1. 紓緩骨關節炎及一般性的關節疼痛
relieves osteoarthritis & general joint pains

2. 有助延長肺部的呼氣能力,以更好地排出身體毒素
betters detoxification by lengthening process of exhalation in lungs

3. 強化體內「氣」的循環流動
enhances circulation of "prana"

4. 有助有序化地重排脊柱,及強化背部
aids orderly realignment of spine & strengthens back

5. 提升水元素,以強化身體的柔韌性及維持理想的身體水份
promotes water element, while reinforcing bodily flexibility & maintaining optimal level of hydration

6. 紓緩壓力及培養內心的安寧感
alleviates stress & fosters a sense of serenity

■ 注意

1. 每次練習3-5分鐘即可
practise each time for 3-5 minutes

2. 沒有練習次數的上限
no limit for number of practice trial

3. 拇指可如同游魚般來回擺動,以增強手印效果
swing back & forth thumbs like a fish, to reap maximum benefit of mudra


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