自知好了 發表於 2016-2-25 11:00:03


自知好了 發表於 2016-2-25 15:18:24


wu_peace 發表於 2016-2-27 11:29:34

自知好了 發表於 2016-2-25 15:18 static/image/common/back.gif
其实我想请问郭博士的是,重复不断地朗读经典是否真的对生活有实际性的改善,帮助。 ...


wu_peace 發表於 2016-2-27 11:42:12

自知好了 發表於 2016-2-25 11:00 static/image/common/back.gif
我是一名大来自广东省的学生,加入了大学里面的一个学习儒家文化的学园,老师要求我们进在一百日里把论语朗 ...

* 以下是節錄自曾鈺成的訪問:






taishan4 發表於 2016-3-3 01:01:28

本帖最後由 taishan4 於 2016-3-3 01:03 編輯

I am often impressed with Dr. Kwok's insightful opinions on the world politics, can you Dr. Kwok please talk a little about your opinion of the U.S. election so far? And who will he back based on the candidates' performance and agenda.  I know Dr. Kwok is impressed with the President of Russia, Putin, who loves Trump, and apparently China does not.

taishan4 發表於 2016-3-3 01:55:09

Dr. Kwok, I am often impressed and respected your insightful opinions on the world politics.  Could you please talk a little about your analysis of the U.S. election so far and how do you view the fact that the President of Russia Putin likes Trump while China does not, and which candidate do you like better (I know none of them are that great, but I personally really dislike Clinton and she seems to be in the driver's seat for the big prize?)  

Thank you, Dr Kwok,

JasperHo 發表於 2016-4-1 04:27:58

郭博士, 後輩想請教英國文化的優點和缺點, 英國係點樣培養出彭定康這樣的人才?  彤敬啟.

taishan4 發表於 2016-4-3 21:54:46

In an old youtube video Dr Kwok mentioned that steams were toxic, and to not drink over- boiled water.  My question: Since so many types of Chinese food eaten by us are steamed cooked, could the food then capture the toxin in the process and become harmful ?  And how about doing sauna or steam bath after gym ?

自知好了 發表於 2016-4-9 22:11:44

首先,感谢上次回答了我问题的wu_peace, 祝愿一生平安。我还想请教一个问题,我是广州的大学生,手头上没有太多钱,只能在暑假期间来香港,而且不能逗留太长时间,但是我很想报名木方班,学习医术,最起码我也能习得一技之长。我想问一下,木方班的开班时间,还有能在短时间内把它学完吗?

wu_peace 發表於 2016-4-15 11:42:26

自知好了 發表於 2016-4-9 22:11 static/image/common/back.gif
首先,感谢上次回答了我问题的wu_peace, 祝愿一生平安。我还想请教一个问题,我是广州的大学生,手头上没有 ...
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